AMX 13/75 IDF 1967

ref: Takom #2036 IDF Light Tank AMX-13/75
DEF Model #DM35078 CN 75-50 French cannon AMX-13/75 Barrel set

Israel got the first AMX 13 of the type 2A model (sloped bins) from 1955 before the Suez crisis. An initial order for 60 tanks was soon followed by another one for 40 tanks. After 1956 the tanks were supplied in the type 2B model (right bins). The last tanks were of the type 2C model which are recognizable by the triangular driver head protection behind his hatch.

In the whole the tanks were not fitted with the front mudguard and had the early longer travel lock with the original lock. The IR driving lights were never fitted.

Concerning the turret, the Israeli AMX 13 were initially fitted with the model without the dust cover. The further tanks were delivered with the dust cover. The turrets had the early type auxiliary sights. As always Tsahal made a number of modifications from the lessons learned from the conflicts in which Israel was involved. So the turret was equipped with a MG support above the gun mantlet, a bin was added to the right side and the fuel can holder was modified and moved from its original location.

From 1957 a platform to raise the turret was added and protections were added above the ventilation grilles of the fuel tanks. However not all the tanks got these protections. Some tanks got side skirts. It is not sure that the whole tanks were modified.

Tsahal used the AMX 13 in all the conflicts with the Arab countries from 1956 to 1967. The total number of AMX 13 in service with Tsahal is around 200.


The kit

The box includes 13 grey plastic sprues, 1 clear parts sprue, 10 sprues for the track links, 1 lower hull, 1 upper turret, 1 vinyl dust cover, 1 decals sheet, 1 photoetched parts sheet, 1 instructions booklet with an additional color leaflet showing 4 possible decorations.

Takom gives a type 2C hull (right bins and triangular driver head protection) which needs to be modified in particular on the front glacis. The hull sides features several mistakes which are easy to fix. The turret is good for a early 60s tank even though some details need to be modified. Takom enables to build a tank modified by Israel or a standard tank under Lebanese or Venezuelan colors. This standrad tank would perfectly depict a French tank of the type 2C1R (with IR driving lights).

To depict an Israeli tank during the 6 Day War you have to add the platform to raise the turret as well as the protections over the fuel tanks. But not all the tanks seem to have been modified.

It is to be noted that Israel sold a number of its AMX 13 to Singapore. So the modifications explained thereafter are valid for a Singaporean tank before Singapore introduced in turn its own modifications.


The build

The hull

The first modification is the inversion of the torsion bars fixations on the right side. You need to remove the molded ones with a sharp blade and glue them back in the right direction. On the picture below the type 2D hull features the right orientation.


Then you have to fix the plugs round access hatches. They should be flush with the hull sides. With a scribing tool the circumference is engraved. The screw heads are deleted and their location is drilled out. The molded hatches are sanded away and screws heads are inserted in the holes. On the picture, the hatches of the hull at the bottom are deleted but the screws are still missing.

Then you need to make new supports for the sprockets mud scrapers. Takom molded the parts too thin and too aft from the sprockets. Some 2 mm rod is used to make new parts. To place them adequately the simplest is to install temporarily the sprockets.

 On the front end you have to modify the hull top as follows.

You have to engrave a panel line on the whole width (yellow oval). Then you have to drill the location of the 5th bolthead on the right hatch (yellow circle). The blue holes and groove need to be filled. The supports for the mudguard screws are removed (red circles)

On the engine fan grille you have to add three threads which are used to lift the panel. The three holes are placed at the same distance one from another.


At the rear of the hull, you have to engrave the panel line in front of the fuel tanks.

The holes on the hatches (yellow circles) are molded solid by Takom so you can drill them out. On the right a little stud is missing.

The major modification is the creation of the platform to raise the turret. It is made from 1 mm thick plastic card so it is stiff enough to support the turret.

At scale the dimensions are 5.4 cm long (from the rear to the rounded part outer edge) and 5.1 cm wide. The straight edges are 4.8 cm long. The height is 3 mm. The hole at the front left corner should allow access to the fire extinguisher hatch.

Behind the platform the protections over the ventilation grilles are made with a rectangle of 1 mm thick plastic card which is 1.2 cm wide and 1.7 cm long. The upper edges are beveled and the spacers are simulated with bits of 0.5 mm plastic strips.

The infantry telephone is modified so it is correct for an early type. The call light is inside a kind of cage on the left of the telephone. Takom has molded it the wrong side and in a wrong type. The light is made from a bit of sprue and 0.3 mm styrene rod for the bars.

At the rear left a protection for the lights is added from plastic card.

The travel lock is modified. The upper parts are cut away and replaced by 2 cm long bits of 0.64 mm rod. The end of the right one is flattened and a 0.5 mm hole is drilled in the middle. The collar is attached on the left part and unlike the picture before the painting it should stay vertical and not parallel to the glacis.

Right way to attach the collar on the right picture.

The lock for the travel lock legs should be modified as well. Takom depicted a correct lock for when the mudguard is present. The early type was installed in a reverse way with the securing screw at the front. The support for the screw must be made and the screw is made from 0.3 mm rod. The PE plate of the box is located at the rear (close to the engine) and is shaped like the real one. The slot allows to insert the securing screw.

The last modification on the hull deals with the headlight guards. Takom gives the guards for the double light lay-out. On the Israeli tanks only the while light headlights are present and the guards are the early type. The solution is in the Takom AMX 13/105 PE sheet. However you'll need to fill the holes in the fenders.


Finally you need to replace the welded roadwheels by bolted ones. Azimut offers them in its set dedicated to the Suez AMX 13 and Accurate Armour in tis set dedicated to the Israeli AMX 13. It is possible to do them yourself. The best base is the Heller roadwheel which has no weld marks but needs to be thoroughly detailed.

The turret

The molded rectangles (red circles) need to be sanded away. The anchor point for the antennas strings is added with a bit of 0.25 mm thick plastic strip shaped around a drill. The yellow circle does not concern the Israeli turret.

The stops for the gunner hatch (blue circles) are deleted and redone with plastic card and glued at the right positions. (next picture). The Israeli turret is on the left. The front stop is more visible on the right one.

The front of the ventilator dome should be straight unlike the Takom part. A single stroke with a file does the trick.

Under the turret bustle the panel lines are engraved.

The auxiliary sights are the late type and the base is ill represented. You need to completely redo them. The molded base are cut away. New bases are made from plastic strips using the molded bases to get the right dimensions. The upper part is drilled out in the middle. Then to make the sights you have to wind some electric wire around a bit of 6 mm long metal rod. Let 1 mm without coil at the base to insert the sight into the base.

On the right side the grab handle is not installed and the holes have to be filled.

The DREB (smoke dischargers) breeches are detailed with a handle made from metal wire.

The antenna bases in the box are not right for an Israeli tank. They must be replaced by US MP-48 bases which were also used on the French AMX 13s when they were fielded.

The Takom fuel cans did not match those seen on period pictures. They have been replaced by some spare parts.

The last thing to do is to replace the gun which is too short by 7 mm. The best solution is the DEF Model reference. To insert the gun into the mantlet you have to remove the flat inside the Takom gun sleeve.


The decoration

Takom proposes two Israeli decorations during the 6 Day War in 1967. The first one depicts a tank in Naplus, the second one a tank on the Golan Heights. No unit indication is given. I chose the second option.

The base color is a mix of Vallejo 71246 Sand Brown and 71245 Loam Beige. When the base is dry, the stripes around the gun were airbrushed because I found the decals were too short. The other decals were applied on the coat of Micro Set then covered by a coat of Micro Sol to enhance adhesion.

The weathering started by a pinwash of dark brown. The hull sides and the recesses in the track links were stained with pigments to simulate dried mud. The a light coat of XF-57 Buff was sprayed to create a dust effect. Pigments were added with a paintbrush to enhance the dusty look in some areas.


References :

The AMX 13 Light Tank, A complete history. Images of War. MP Robinson, Peter Lau, Guy Gibeau ISBN 1526701677


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