démonstrateur char furtif / stealth tank demonstrator

Ref: Heller #81137
Braille strike: Décalcomanies « DGA »
Conversion: scratch Didier Lecru

Maquette, texte et photos par Didier Lecru


Historical background

In 1990, a AMX30 B2 based technological demonstrator using a stealth technology is developed by the DGA (the French Defense Procurement Agency). The MBT would have been clad with a radar waves absorbing material fitted around the steel shell. Moreover cool air would have circulated  between the armor and this material to reduce the thermal signature. That way the MBT would have displayed a reduced thermal image. At that time the EPC (engin principal de combat/main combat vehicle) program reached its end and the Leclerc MBT was close to enter production to replace the AMX 30 fleet. The DFC project was cancelled soon after its beginning. To the present day the prototype is reportedly suffering the poor weather conditions in a military camp. What a shame!

Some years before the German military industry developed a similar project known as Stealth Leopard1 (EO1) which is currently preserved at the Deutsch Panzermuseum in Munster (GE).

The build

Before all, I want to warmly thank Paulo Panzer for his help. Without him this project would have never seen the light.

The documentation about the DFC is close to non existent. However I started from an old Heller kit as it would have been a shmae to use a Meng model which far superior in terms of quality. To conduct this project, I made 3 cardboard templates to determine the right cutting angles. Obviously a thorough study of the pictures which are available is necessary. Once the right template is achieved, I shift from cardboard to plastic. To sum it up, I create two distinctive shells, one for the hull and the other for the turret.

A new AMX 30 B2 engine ventilator (cast in resin) is glued as well as a new driver station (cast in resin too). Concerning the main gun, it is wrapped with Green stuff to represent a camo net. Weirdly enough the gun barrel was not profiled.

The painting

I opted for a prototype which had driven but having a rather clean hull. I used all the known techniques to paint it. Finally as usual for me I used pastel chalks to create the dust effect.


With a prototype, I solicited Braille strike. This Belgian maker provides you with decals according to your needs and desires. Frankly I recommend it to you.


Click on a thumbnail to see the full sized picture

