AMX 30B2 Brennus
ref: Tiger Model#AMX-30B2 Brennus France 1966-2006 Main Battle Tank

The AMX 30 B2 Brennus is the last version of the AMX 30. Its development started right after the Gulf War. The early trials intended to check the extra weight of the addtional tanks armor did not affect the mobility. In fact the whole BS G2 ERA brick package weighed up to 1 ton. The conversion of the 81 tanks was made in two batches of 51 tanks in 1995 and 30 in 1996.

The Brennus coming from various AMX 30 B2 production batches , they are equipped by different engines: 36 have the HS-110 engine and 45 have the Mack E9. The transmission ENC200 remains the same for all the tanks. The Brennus are also equipped with two types of thermal camera: DIVT16 and DIVT18 for the 1996 batch.

In addition to the ERA bricks, the Brennus is fitted with an IR decoy system LIR30 and Galix smoke-grenades launchers.

The main gun of the AMX 30 B2 Brennus is the CN-105 F1 105 mm gun associated to the automatic fire control system COTAC. 47 rounds are available. The range with the APDS round is 1,600 only due the rifled bore gun. The secondary armament is a 20 mm automatic cannon CN-20 F2 with 480 rounds. The cannon can be elevated higher than the main gun to engage flying targets. A 7.62 mm AA-NF1 MG with 2070 rounds is installed in an armored box on the TOP7 cupola.

The crew is of 4 with a driver, the tank commander on the right of the turret, the gunner under the TC and the radio operator/loader on the left of the turret.

The AMX 30 B2 Brennus has been phased out in 2006 then in 2014 a number of tanks were reactivated for the OPFOR units of the training centers in Mailly (open field fighting and Sissonne (urban fighting. In 2021 only those at Sissonne training camp are still in duty.


The kit

Released by Tiger Model in 2014, it represents a tank of the second production batch with the E9 engine. It comprises 11 beige plastic sprues, 1 clear parts sprue, 1 upper hull, 1 upper turret shell, 2 photoetched parts sheets, 1 brass 20 mm cannon, 1 length of thread, polycaps, 1 sheet of decals for a single decoration and 1 instructions booklet supplemented by a color plate for the decoration. A very original feature is the aluminum gun barrel which comes on the sprue E with the canvas cover molded directly around it.

The level of detail is good, the overall fit is correct. However in some areas putty is required to fill ugly gaps. The turret and the cupola can rotate. The main weapons are static because of the desing of the ERA bricks bracket on the gun mantlet. The various wheels can be removed thanks to the polycaps which makes the painting easier. The double pin tracks are of the individual link type. Tiger Model has designed links with angled connectors to fit around the sprockets and the idlers. 26 are needed while there are only 25 on the sprues. So you need to modify a regular link which is easy.

Several small mistakes have been made by Tiger Model. Firstly only one tow hook is present on the AMX 30. It is easier to use the one on the front right fender and to only use the bracket on the rear panel. You will just need t ocut the hook and drill out the bracket. Tiger Model only gives one tow cable instead of two. In addition the brackets of the cable do not have the right shape. On the turret the protection for the thermal camera wiring is omitted as well as the one of the plug of the wiring in the turret. More remarks will be done later on.

The 12 page notice is clear but in some steps some parts are not mentioned. The assembly is divided in 30 steps.


The build

It begins with gluing the hull sides to thee floor. Then the various elements of the suspension are added. At step 2 the rounds PE parts PA10 are a little too large. You need to be careful to spot some parts which are already shown in place on the drawings but with no number mentioned (A11 on the left, 1x B8 on the right, 3x B8 on the left, A4 on the left).

Step 3 the PE parts PA4 are too large as well. They should have the same diameter as the suspension arms pivots. Tiger Model gives a jig to align the suspension arms which is useful. All the wheels are temporarily in place until the tracks are assembled. So instead of following step 6 instructions  I skipped to step 14. As mentioned in the introduction when following the instruction plan you will miss one B7 link (with angled connectors). My right track was slightly too long so I had to pivot the idler arm to the front.

When the tracks were assembled I removed all the running gear and resume the assembly at step 6. On the left side you must not glue the crowbar D2. There should be a second tow cable. On the right side the tow cable supports A24 should be angled.

Step 8 the exhausts are too thick. PE parts PA5 are useless and you need to thin down the exhaust from inside.

Step 9 the central part of PE parts PA15 is too long. The bravest could replace those parts with thin plastic strips. I advise not to glue parts A22 to facilitate the bending of the exhaust protections PA8 and PA9 at the next step. I also added the cable between the infantry phone and the socket at the bottom of the rear panel.

Step 12 I chose not to use the PE headlights protections PB1 and PB2 as there is no jig to shape them. So I used the plastic parts that I thinned.

Step 13 I chose to represent the rear view mirror stowed. To do so you need to cut the leg which is too short and replace it by a bit of styrene rod. The mirror is glued under its cover D34 (shown at step 15)

Step 15 I modified the extinguishers. In fact on all the pictures you can see that the spray nozzles are facing outward. I also chose to put the extinguishers the head front ward like on the tank depicted by Tiger Model on the decoration plate (see walkaround).

From step 16 the turret assembly begins. As it is easier I preferred gluing the turret halves together first. I advise to install the baskets bases F15 and F16 without glue to facilitate the future alignment of the other parts of the baskets. You also have to fully assemble the gun mantlet.

When the turret is assembled then you can add the various bricks sub-assemblies per step 18. Steps 21 to 23 do not need any comment.

Step 24 be careful when fitting the upper bar of the baskets (F6 and F7). Then the baskets bases can be glued.

Step 26 you need to fill gaps between the parts of the thermal camera. Likewise at step 28 you have to fill the gaps of the cupola MG box.

When the cupola is assembled and glued in place the build is complete.


The decoration

Tiger Model only offers one decoration with the French 3-tone camo. On the turret roof there is a large black stripe missing. It runs from the front of the cupola to the loader hatch. The rest of the scheme looks fine.

The references used are A-Mig 0060 Pale Green, A-Mig 0064 Earth Brown and XF-1 Flat Black. Once the camo is applied the scarce decals are applied. The registration plates numbers should be silver grey and the name on the barrel light grey. Tiger Model made a mistake in printing them white.

Then a wash of brown is applied all over the tank which gives a light dust effect. Micro paint is done with a fine brush according to the reference pictures of the actual tank. To finish a pin wash is applied mainly on the ERA bricks to enhance the details.



Despite its flaws this model is pleasant to build and far easier than the Phebus Creations conversion for the Heller kit. It is a pity that Tiger Modle only gives one decoration even though all the Brennus with the 3-tone camo belonged to the same unit. Those who like originality could try the urban camo used by the Brennus of the urban training center at Sissonne.


Click on a thumbnail to see the full sized picture

