Ref : AZI35046 AMX10RC Daguet
Model, texts and photos by Didier Lecru

I want to warmly thank Azimut Productions for having released in the early 90s the AMX10 RC without which I would never have been able to complete this project. By the way I also thank Sampiero, Jospeh for his friends, for the valuable help he provided. So I had this kit since 1993 and built it in the Gulf War version. Being tired by seeing it while newer versions entered service, I decided to give a go to a scratchbuild project. To lead this conversion to an end, I studied several websites as well as many magazines dealing with the Afghanistan conflict.

I – The hull:
The Azimut hull did not get major modifications. The waterjets must be deleted. The front armor panels have been copied from the photoetched ones provided in the kit and made from plastic card. The side armor panels were created from scratch as well as the driver hatch armor. Several parts like the pioneer tools, the cables and the front and rear lights are totally redone. The GPS antenna on the rear is not omitted. The antislip coating is applied to the front glacis. After several tries, I opted for a mix of bicarbonate, putty and acetone.

II – The wheels:
These are Michelin XML tires issued by Blast Models and adapted to the Azimut rims. The result is convincing!! Thank you for that Sampiero.

III – The turret:
The turret structure itself was not modified. The side armor panels are quite tricky due to the numerous angles. The turret top received the same antislip coating. With the minimum amount of reference found in the press, I had to used my eyeball Mk1 to create the turret bustle basket as well as the bin containing the IED jammers. At the front of the turret, the two platforms carrying the IED jammers antennas have been added. On both sides of the gun mantlet Galix smoke dischargers are fitted. On the turret top, I fitted a AANF1 MG coming from the Tamiya Leclerc kit. The bags in the side baskets are bits of polystyrene covered with aluminum foil and painted green

IV – The figures:
They are in fact Academy Israeli tankers with the specific helmet.

V – The painting:
The scheme is the three tone one given by Azimut in the instructions. The references used are from the Tamiya range. The green got some drops of yellow. The brown was treated the same way. But the black was used directly from the bottle.

VI – The weathering:
At first, a coat of matt varnish is sprayed over the model. Then, the green is brushed with some Humbrol #150. Another drybrush is applied with the same Humbrol #150 enlightened with some yellow. The same method was used for the brown with some Humbrol #186. The black is brushed with some Humbrol #34 white. Then, a wash of turpentine and burnt sienna is applied over all the model to enhance the recesses.
Be careful not to be heavy handed.
In order to get a camouflage worn by the Afghan sun, a diluted white filter is applied over the model. The dust effect is made with sand pastel powder applied to the appropriate areas with a brush. Finally, a last coat of varnish is sprayed to fix the pastel.

Without Azimut Productions, this model would never have seen the light. The documentation on this vehicle is necessary as you cannot "invent" some parts. This kit is hard to build and remains fragile. Prior to beginning the assembly, I had to make wooden handles on which were fixed the turret and the hull. This way, the manipulations were troubleless.
A last advise: if you intend to start this kit, be patient!
